Services & Practices

Hardware & Digital Interaction

At Sophic Design we believe that creating user-friendly interfaces, logical navigation, and engaging interactions are essential for creating seamless and intuitive user experiences in hardware and digital design. When digital and physical design efforts are integrated throughout the product development process, the result is concept solutions that seamlessly transition between physical and digital interfaces and consistent brand touchpoints that delight consumers and inspire brand loyalty.

See below for a few examples of the interaction practices we deploy at Sophic.

Interaction Design Practices

User-Centered Design

Understand the user’s journey and their pain points so as to prioritize the feature sets and interaction models that solve for unmet needs and create streamlined, intuitive digital experiences.

Information Architecture

Prioritize key information and pages to optimize usability and ensure seamless navigation by organizing content into maps that illustrate information layers and interaction touch points.

Visual Design

Design visually appealing interfaces that invite users to intuitively navigate screens, menus, and icons that align with and support brand identities and enhance the overall digital experience.

Digital Prototyping

Create frequent digital mockups to quickly test new interaction models and interfaces and gather user feedback to inform the next round of design iterations and concept development.